Grading Policies and Appeals

All grades reported by the faculty to the Registrar become a part of the student’s permanent record and are included in the computation of one’s grade point average even though some of these grades may be work done in excess of the hours required for graduation.
Grading Scale
Refer to the course outline for grading scale, specific to each course.
Grade Appeal Policy
Undergraduate students wanting to appeal a grade received in a School of Music course should first discuss the matter directly with the instructor. If a satisfactory agreement is not reached, the student may submit an appeal in writing to the Director.
If the student and Director do not reach a satisfactory agreement, the student may submit an appeal in writing to the Dean of the College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media, at which point the appeal may be referred to the Education Policy Committee of the College for review. The student’s written appeal to the Associate Dean must be made by the end of the following semester after the academic unit’s decision. For example, if the School of Music’s decision is made in the fall semester, the student has until the end of the spring semester to submit a written appeal. If the Education Policy Committee of the College reviews the appeal it may request additional information from the student, the instructor, the School of Music or its Director as needed. Education Policy Committee members who have voted on the case at the academic unit level must recuse themselves from the Committee’s vote. Upon making a decision, the Education Policy Committee will send its recommendation to the Dean’s office in writing, and the Dean’s office will notify the student of the College’s decision.
For information on other kinds of appeals, refer to the Student Appeals Page.