The MOVCENTR fosters productive research within our thematic scientific focus by producing highly promising young faculty striving for independent research. Each research project is supported by the Center to achieve this mission. The motor related disorders encompassed by these projects illustrate our overall vision for a research center striving to generate high impact, high-quality research in human movement variability and emphasizes the clinical translational nature of our mentoring approach.

The research is focused on variability related to movement disorders. The scientists in the MOVCENTR use methods with many interacting parts to study the cause and effects of diseases. Through research, the creation of assistive devices, and nonlinear analysis, our scientists are able to study interventions and recommendations for rehabilitation processes and clinicians.
Phase II continues with a movement disorders research theme and introduces new research projects to the MOVCENTR. The evolution of new research projects allows further junior investigators the opportunity to be independent researchers. This is done by using their current project data, expanding on their hypothesis and specific aims, and applying for independent federal funding.
Division of Biomechanics and Research Development
All COBRE research is housed and performed under the MOVCENTR. All other state and federal research is performed in the Department of Biomechanics. Both units are under the umbrella of the Division of Biomechanics and Research Development.