- 2014/10/15
Omaha, Nebraska – Yesterday the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education (CCPE) voted unanimously to approve the Nebraska Center for Justice Research (NCJR). NCJR was created to provide a multidisciplinary research, evaluation and training resource for the Nebraska Legislature and criminal justice agencies.
Current and planned center research activities include:
- A study of Nebraska’s good time laws;
- A study of trends in persons 24 and under in the male adult corrections system;
- A study of the impact of Colorado’s legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana on law enforcement and corrections;
- Evaluation of the Douglas County Crossover Youth Practice Model;
- A research partnership with the City of Omaha for Project Safe Neighborhoods gun violence reduction program;
- A validation study of NDCS’s Parole Supervision Inventory and Inmate Readiness Inventory;
- Research on behavioral health and corrections;
- The Transformation Project inmate transition program;
- A strength-based assessment of the Nebraska Coalition of Juvenile Justice for the Nebraska Crime Commission; and
- Performance measure/outcome development for the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) for the Nebraska Crime Commission.
NCJR approval by the CCPE served as the final step in establishing the new center. The CCPE serves as an independent voice in Nebraska’s higher education system, promoting sound policies for the University of Nebraska and other state and community colleges. CCPE is responsible for a variety of higher education matters, including authorizing academic programs, approving facility proposals and making budget recommendations to the State Legislature.