NASA Nebraska Space Grant Annual Competition Open
The NASA Nebraska Space Grant Mini-Grant Competition includes grants for Research and Higher Education. Meanwhile, the Fellowship Competition is open to both undergraduate and graduate students; deadline is May 20.
- published: 2019/04/05
- contact: Michaela Lucas - NASA/Aviation Institute
- phone: 402.554.3772
- email:
- search keywords:
- College of Public Affairs and Community Service

The NASA Nebraska Space Grant annual competition for Mini-Grant and Fellowship funding is now open.
Changes this year include:
- Applications will be submitted through a new web portal
- Citizenship requirements have been relaxed in the mini-grant program
- Fellowships require the faculty mentor to upload a letter of recommendation in the web portal
As each of our affiliate institutions receives a minimum of one fellowship, we are hopeful that you will share the attached information with faculty and students who might be interested in these opportunities.
To apply for these opportunities, visit our website.
If you have questions, please contact our office at (402) 554-3772 or email us at