Dr. Christopher M. Kelly Named Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America
- contact: Debbie Vihstadt - College of Public Affairs and Community Service
- phone: 402.554.3033
- email: dvihstadt@unomaha.edu

Dr. Christopher M. Kelly, Professor and Chair of the Department of Gerontology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) has been named a Fellow by the Gerontological Society of America (GSA). This distinguished recognition acknowledges Dr. Kelly's significant contributions to the field of gerontology and his dedication to enhancing the well-being of older adults.
Attaining Fellow status in GSA requires active engagement in gerontology for a minimum of five years, substantial scholarly achievements including publications and funded research projects, leadership roles in national conferences, teaching awards, active involvement in the society, excellence in teaching, administration, and other forms of leadership. Furthermore, Fellows are individuals who have made noteworthy contributions in gerontological education, including the development of innovative programs.
Dr. Kelly's research focuses on critical areas within gerontology, such as analyzing the effectiveness of state nursing home survey activity. He has also made significant strides in exploring alternatives to long-term care, particularly home and community-based services (HCBS). Additionally, his work delves into the recruitment, training, and retention of the direct care workforce. Through his research, Dr. Kelly has documented the shifting landscape of this workforce, highlighting its transition towards industries like assisted living and home health care services. This trend aligns with the growing preference of older adults to age in their own homes.
Since joining UNO's Department of Gerontology in 2006, Dr. Kelly has played a vital role in advancing the department's mission as the primary provider of gerontological education in Nebraska. His extensive teaching experience encompasses a diverse range of courses, including Introduction to Gerontology, Community Resources for Older Adults, Literature and Aging, Politics and Aging, and Applied Social Gerontology. Dr. Kelly has also provided guidance as the chairperson for numerous dissertations and theses, nurturing the development of future leaders in the field.
Dr. Kelly's commitment to excellence in education has earned him several esteemed teaching honors, such as the UNO Alumni Teaching Award in 2017. Beyond his role as an educator, he has actively served on various state and local boards and commissions. Notable organizations he has contributed to include the State of Nebraska Aging Task Force, the Nebraska Aging Legislative Coalition, Dementia Friendly Nebraska, the Nebraska Mental Health and Aging Coalition, and the Nebraska Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementia Advisory Council. Dr. Kelly's dedication to community engagement is further demonstrated by his past role as Chair of the Advisory Board for the Eastern Nebraska Office of Aging Senior Companions Program. Additionally, he has held two terms on the UNO Faculty Senate, including a year as President.
Dr. Kelly's exceptional service to his profession has garnered recognition from the Southern Gerontological Society (SGS). In 2017, he received the SGS Applied Gerontologist Award for his outstanding contributions to the practical application of gerontological knowledge. In 2020, he was honored as a Victor W. Marshall Fellow by SGS. Furthermore, Dr. Kelly has held various leadership positions within both GSA and SGS, including Treasurer of SGS and Chair of the SGS Publications Committee.
UNO takes immense pride in Dr. Christopher Kelly's appointment as a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America. His unwavering dedication, scholarly achievements, and commitment to excellence have made a lasting impact on the lives of older adults, their families, and the gerontology community as a whole.