Don't stress about your first appointment with CAPS! Here's everything you need to know.
- Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete intake forms.
- Your first appointment will consist of a 60-90 minute intake assessment.
- Before you arrive, you will be given a few forms to complete.
- Once you arrive and the forms are reviewed your counselor will bring you to their office.
- During this initial intake, counselors will gather information through a conversation with you, in order to build a bigger picture of your primary concerns.
- The intake is the start of counseling and is the best place to determine the direction of services.
- After the initial assessment, the counseling staff will discuss with you the options for moving forward.
- This may include setting up an appointment with a UNO counselor, a referral to a community provider, a referral to a group, or other referrals as appropriate.
Under 19 Information
In Nebraska, Legislative Bill (LB) 982 states that individuals 18 years of age and older can consent to their own mental health services. If you are not yet 18, you must have a parent or legal guardian sign a Consent to Treat a Minor Form.
Questions related to the Consent to Treat a Minor Form are always welcome. Please call 402.554.2409 during regular business hours.