UNO's Criss Library offers faculty study and carrels. Apply for access today!

Faculty Study
Apply for Access
Located on the third floor of Criss Library and accessible by Prox Card for all current faculty. This includes the lounge, kitchen, and scholar reading rooms.
Fifteen faculty study carrels, located within the Library Faculty Study area, are available for sharing on a semester basis. Each provides a bookshelf, storage, ergonomic chair, power, data port, and energy efficient lighting.
University of Nebraska full-time tenured and tenure track faculty, full-time non-tenure track, part-time, adjunct, Emeriti or retired faculty are eligible for faculty study carrels. Faculty applicants must be working on a specific project or research in order to be assigned a study. Applications must be approved by the relevant college departmental chairperson.
Disbursement of Assignments
Faculty will be assigned study carrels on a first-come, first-served basis.
Length of Assignments
Faculty may retain access to the study or carrels for as long as they are eligible. Occupants are asked to notify the Library if they no longer need their study carrel access.
Carrels should be locked at all times when not in use. Criss Library assumes no responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal possessions that are kept in study carrels. Failure to comply with study carrel policies will be cause for withdrawal of the carrel assignment. Study carrel policies are posted in each study carrel.
WEPA is the standard public printing option available at many locations across campus. WEPA kiosks are available on the first and second floors of the library.