Ready to Apply to Dual Enrollment?
Follow the steps below to get started in UNO's Dual Enrollment Program.

Create Your Account
- Go to, create an account, and log in.
- Do not use your high school email address.
- Use an email address and password that you can remember. You will use it every time you apply for dual enrollment and if you apply for admission to UNO in the future.

Enter Information
- Students: If you have been issued a nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN) you will be asked to enter it. Providing your SSN is optional, however, not providing one means a 1098-T form will not be provided to you.
- Select only the courses you are currently enrolled in and would like to receive college credit for.
- A parent/guardian’s name and his or her email are required for approval.
- Enter your cumulative high school grade point average (GPA). You must have at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Receive Approval
- Parents/guardians and high school counselors are required to approve your application by the specified deadline in order for you to be dual enrolled.
- Approval is done by clicking the link sent to them via email after you submit your application.

Pay Your Bill
- The cost for each dual enrollment course is a nonrefundable $250.
- Once your application has been approved and you have been enrolled into the program, a billing statement will be mailed to the address provided on the application.