Nebraska Medicine UNO Health Center, located on Dodge Campus inside H&K, offers a variety of services to help you stay sexually healthy while you are in college. This care is inclusive and confidential and offered in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment. Empower yourself by taking a moment to learn about the campus resources:
- Wellness exams and pap tests
- Birth control prescriptions
- Sexually transmitted infection testing
- HPV vaccines
- Pregnancy testing and referrals
- PrEP and PEP prescriptions
- Treatment for pain and infections
Appointments are required for most sexual and reproductive health services. Call 402.554.2374 to schedule a visit. Telehealth appointments may be available for certain gynecological and sexual health services. A doctor’s referral is not required to be seen.
Doctor-ordered testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV is covered by student fees. Other sexually transmitted infection testing may be covered by grants for those who are not insured. Most other gynecological visits are not covered by student fees and can be billed to private insurance or paid out-of-pocket at a discount. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.