March 2022 News Release Archive
Staff, Alumni Recognized in 2022 TOYO! List
March 26, 2022This year's list of Ten Outstanding Young Omahans (TOYO!) featured multiple UNO connections.
What They're Saying: Faculty and Students on Open Educational Resources
March 25, 2022Not familiar with OER? You should be! It's a great way to reduce the costs of higher education through low-cost and no-cost course materials - including textbooks. Learn how you can get involved.
Preparing for Takeoff: A Female-Led Future for Flight
March 25, 2022UNO faculty, staff, and students are playing a key role in ensuring a future where the aviation and aeronautics industries are more diverse, representative, and receptive.
UNO Shares Its Story with State Leaders at "I Love NU" Day
March 24, 2022Maverick students and administrators joined their NU System peers for a day of advocacy at the State Capitol Building.
Flags Lowered to Honor Madeleine Albright
March 24, 2022All U.S., state, and UNO flags will be lowered to honor Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State, who passed away March 23; flags will be lowered through Sunday, March 27.
Chris Crutchfield Introduced as Omaha Men’s Basketball Head Coach
March 21, 2022Crutchfield’s return to his alma mater will eventually be defined by success on the court. The new men’s basketball coach at UNO scored his first victory, however, by winning the press conference at Baxter Arena on March 21 that reintroduced him to the community.
UNO Names Racheal Ceraso Employee of the Month
March 21, 2022Ceraso was selected for her hard work, empathy, and ability to be a source of positive support for her Youth Safety and Office of Health Security colleagues throughout the pandemic.
UNO Academic Advising Council Names Jeannine Nyangira Advisor of the Month
March 18, 2022Nyangira was nominated by her peers for her dedication to student success.
UNO-Led Research Confirms Significant Gender Pay Gap Exists in Executive Severance Agreements
March 17, 2022Research led by Kelsey Medeiros, Ph.D., assistant professor of management, confirms a gender pay gap of over $500k exists in average severance compensation between male and female executives in large, publicly traded American companies.
UNO Research Discovers Surprising Way to Make Walking Easier
March 16, 2022Findings by researchers at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) describe a novel way to reduce the energy people spend to walk, as much as by half, which could have applications for therapy received by patients with impaired walking abilities.
Celebrating Chancellor Li’s Investiture: “Honor the Journey, Inspire the Future”
March 13, 2022It is an occurrence so rare that when it arrives, there is no question that it is worth celebrating. And celebrate is exactly what the UNO community did on Friday, March 11, as Joanne Li, Ph.D., CFA, was formally installed as UNO’s 16th Chancellor during a memorable and historic investiture ceremony.
Chancellor Li: Ensuring the Success of Our Students and the State's Workforce
March 10, 2022In an editorial, Chancellor Joanne Li, Ph.D., CFA advocates for fostering workforce development by meeting student needs and committing to their success.
NU Innovation Hub Launches New Projects
March 07, 2022The hub is an effort sponsored by NU Information Technology Services and the NU Office of Digital Education that partners with students, faculty, and staff across the university system to design and deliver transformative experiences that enhance teaching, learning, research and the student experience via technology.
Top Projects Announced From Student Research and Creative Activity Fair
March 07, 2022On Friday, March 4, more than 100 students presented their work as part of the 14th Student Research and Creative Activity Fair. Among these students, 16 undergraduates and graduate students were recognized as developing the best among this year's projects.
UNO Experts Offer Insight Amid Ukraine Crisis
March 04, 2022Media outlets across Nebraska have relied on UNO experts to understand the impacts, at home and abroad, of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Remembering UNO Chancellor Ronald Roskens
March 01, 2022Roskens, who led UNO from 1972 to 1977, and led the University of Nebraska System from 1977 to 1989, died on Sunday, Feb. 27. The UNO flag will be lowered in his memory on Wednesday, March 2.