It is the policy of the University of Nebraska system to invest in a single visual identity, rather than maintain multiple marks that may interfere with the University's message. To strengthen the University's visual identity, a central aspect of our brand, the creation of additional marks is restricted.
As a result, any new secondary mark must be submitted through an approval process prior to development and use. If your organization or department is currently using a secondary logo, you may be contacted by the Office of Strategic Marketing and Communication (MarComm) to provide proof of approval by the Universitywide Identity Committee. If previous approval cannot be provided, the logo must be submitted through the approval process.
Step 1: Determine if you qualify for a secondary logo
To qualify for a secondary logo, an entity must meet one of these requirements:
- Contractual or legal agreements that specify or require the use of a logo other than the University of Nebraska or campus logo. If legal or contractual agreements are a factor, the relevant portion of these must be included.
- Gift agreements in which a donor has required certain identification as a condition of the gift (note that it is strongly discouraged to permit this level of donor involvement).
- Be a revenue-generating, self-supporting auxiliary or affiliate, providing services or goods to faculty, staff, students or external audiences, with the majority of its revenue coming from providing those services or goods (e.g., KVNO radio).
- Have an existing approved secondary logo that you are looking to revise.
Academic colleges, departments, and programs are not eligible for secondary logos. Approved typesetting configurations of college, department, and program names with the official campus logo are included in the brand guide. If you need assistance creating an official typesetting for your unit, please submit a Start Your Project request.
Step 2: Submit a request for consideration
Entities seeking a new or revised secondary logo must first obtain support from MarComm by submitting a Secondary Logo Request Form. This step MUST be completed prior to any creative work being undertaken. Click the button below to complete the online form.
The request must include the following information:
- Indication of the requirement met to qualify for a secondary logo.
- Detailed reasoning explaining why the entity should be considered for approval to develop a secondary logo.
- If legal or contractual agreements are a factor, please include relevant information.
- Market research about the target audience and why a secondary mark is needed for this audience.
- Cost analysis of implementing the logo (i.e., logo creation, implementation into current materials, etc).
Once your submission is received, MarComm will determine if the appropriate information has been provided to confirm endorsement of the secondary mark.
If endorsed, MarComm will forward its recommendation to the Universitywide Identity Committee, which has representatives from each of the four University of Nebraska (NU) campuses. The committee will determine whether the entity qualifies for a secondary logo. A simple majority vote is required for the logo to move forward.
- If approved, please retain the written approval for your records.
- If denied, the committee will provide rationale regarding the denial. Appeals will not be considered.
Step 3: If approved, develop your secondary logo
If you receive approval for a secondary logo, the next step is work with MarComm to develop the logo, either using internal resources or an outside graphic designer/consultant.
Step 4: Submit the developed logo for approval
The final mark MUST go through MarComm for brand review to ensure it meets the quality standards of the university. Revisions may be requested prior to approval.
The developed logo must include the following elements:
- An endorsement from the leader representing your unit or organization.
- Demonstration of how the logo will appear in a range of executions including color and black and white; print materials; web sites; any proposed stand-alone uses (e.g. banners, specialty items).
- Demonstration of conformance with secondary logo standards (i.e. size relationship to official university logo, presence of university logo on all materials).
- Any additional executions, sub-brands or other extensions anticipated.
- Any available market research regarding the target audience of your logo.
Once reviewed by MarComm, the developed logo will be shared with the Universitywide Identity Committee for final approval. The committee may also request revisions or additional information prior to approval.
Approved Secondary Logos
The following secondary logos have been approved by the university and are to be appropriated only with the endorsement of those entities which maintain guidelines for their use. In some cases, there may be alternate files available, i.e. four color, two color, b/w, etc.
When pairing these approved logos with the University marks, make sure to use the University Logo. If you would like to pair it with the “O” campus icon usage guidelines dictate that it must also display the University Logo in the same document.
The following secondary logos have been approved: