Matt Schill

Jenna Olson
Senior Associate Registrar
Office of the University Registrar
jolson@unomaha.edu- Oversees Transfer Credit
- Oversees UNO Transcript Production

Cara Ortega
Associate Registrar
Office of the University Registrar
cortega@unomaha.edu- Oversees DegreeWorks degree audit system
- MavLINK training

Allison Junker
Associate Registrar
Office of the University Registrar
ajunker@unomaha.edu- Oversees academic scheduling and registration
- Classroom scheduling and EMS room scheduling software
- Final grade submission and end of term processes

Janet McLaughlin
Associate Registrar
Office of the University Registrar
janetmclaughlin@unomaha.edu- Oversees Student Appeals

Tracie Anderson
Assistant Registrar, Athletic Certification
Office of the University Registrar
tracieanderson@unomaha.edu- Athletic Certification eligibility of student athletes

Stephanie McGowan

Kristen Miller
Assistant Registrar
Office of the University Registrar
kristenmiller@unomaha.edu- Transfer Credit Evaluation
- Intercampus Application Student Processing

Barbara Alexander
Education Records Representative
Office of the University Registrar
barbaraalexander@unomaha.edu- Graduation, Commencement
- Change of Grade

Barbara Diener
Education Records Associate
Office of the University Registrar
bdienergenereux@unomaha.edu- Course/Room Scheduling
- Change of Program, Change of Majors

Tammie French
Senior Education Records Associate
Office of the University Registrar
tfrench@unomaha.edu- Graduation, Commencement
- Change of Grade

Gail Maher
Education Records Representative
Office of the University Registrar
gmaher@unomaha.edu- Enrollment Verifications
- Student Appeals

Joan McCullough
Education Records Representative
Office of the University Registrar
jmccullough@unomaha.edu- Transfer Credit Evaluation

Amy Richardson
Education Records Associate
Office of the University Registrar
anrichardson@unomaha.edu- Transfer Credit Evaluation

Morgan Smyth
Enrollment Specialist II
Office of the University Registrar
morgansmyth@unomaha.edu- Transcript Production
- Change of Campus student processing