Learn how Guided Pathways and General Education Articulation Agreements support students who transfer from their community college/institution to UNO.
Guided Pathways and Articulation Agreements
In their most general sense, Guided Pathways and Articulation Agreements are just two of the many tools that a student, faculty, and/or staff member can use when it comes to understanding credit transfer.
While they exist here in the same space, these two tools are different and therefore have different uses to benefit students, faculty, and staff on all sides of a transfer experience.
Guided Pathways
Guided Pathways are curated lists of course-by-course equivalencies that allow students completing an associate's degree the opportunity to take coursework at a community college that will most effectively transfer towards specific bachelor's degree programs at UNO.
They are created with the goal to ensure students are able to maximize the transfer of credit from community colleges to UNO degree programs. As these Guided Pathways use institutionally agreed upon mechanisms, including but not limited to academic catalogs, Transfer Evaluation System (TES) equivalencies, and do not deviate from agreed-upon program requirements, there is no expectation that a formal agreement or memorandum of understanding is necessary.
With many pieces being contributed from other sources, we have identified a process that we ask all parties to follow to ensure accurate inquiries, generation, review, and approval of Guided Pathways. Guided Pathway requires sustained engagement of all stakeholders during both the development and review phases.
Guided Pathway Process
- A Guided Pathways need is solicited/identified by any of the following stakeholders:
- UNO Administration, College/Department Faculty, and Staff
- Community College/Institution Administration, Faculty, and Staff
- University of Nebraska Central Administration
- Nebraska Department of Education
- Community College/Institution degree that students plan to complete (i.e. MCC Business Transfer (BSTAA) )
- UNO degree that students plan to complete (i.e. UNO Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) )
- Anticipated "In-Hand" Timeline for delivery (i.e. three (3) months)
- At least two (2) representatives who will aid in review and approval/support (i.e. Dean, Chair of Department, Academic Advisor, Faculty member, etc.)
- Once details are gathered, the following takes place by UNO's Curriculum and Transfer Specialist:
A course comparison and placement document is generated- Outlines Community College/Institution's degree course requirements
- Identifies what UNO degree requirements are fulfilled as a result of course-by-course equivalencies
- Calculates credits to transfer and remaining credits for completion upon successful admission to UNO
- Lines up UNO degree curriculum noted by General Education and College/Department/Program requirements
- A Transfer Equivalency System® (TES) "Transfer Guide" [TES equivalent to Guided Pathway] is generated
- After being drafted, the proposed Guided Pathway is introduced for review by both giving (Community College/Institution) and receiving (UNO) institutions:
- The review takes place with UNO Academic Unit/Department
- The review takes place with Community College/Institution stakeholder/representative
- Approval by both entities is done via email with the support of a UNO Assoc./Assist. Dean and the Dean/similar representative at the Community College/Institution
- Following approval from both entities, the following occurs:
- Guided Pathway is added to its associated Community College/Institution Guided Pathway directory
- Corresponding TES® "Transfer Guide" is published and activated in Transferology® for student-end use
- Guided Pathway will be reported to the Educational Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC) for informational purposes
- Guided Pathway is to be reviewed and updated on an annual cycle by UNO's Curriculum and Transfer Specialist, college-specific academic advisors, faculty members, and associated administrative staff simultaneously with the review and edit of the academic catalog
View current Guided Pathways via Transfer Agreements and Guides.

Articulation Agreements
General Education articulation agreements allow UNO students who have earned an associate's degree at a community college where articulation agreements between the community college and UNO exist, to transfer to UNO having met their general education requirements.
These agreements may be signed between institutions to amend certain program requirements and/or used when existing institutional mechanisms are insufficient for a desired transfer process or outcome. All general education articulation agreements will be reviewed and updated on a three-year cycle.
General Education Articulation Agreement Process
- General Education articulation agreements are developed by the Director of General Education and approved by the University General Education Committee.
- After UNO’s Director of General Education and community college representatives have approved the articulation agreement, a draft version should be sent to the General Education Committee at unogened@unomaha.edu for approval.
- Following approval by the General Education Committee, appropriate representatives from UNO and the community college will sign the agreement.
- The Director of General Education will report signed agreements to the Educational Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC) for informational purposes, and then submit to Academic Affairs and the UNO Registrar for record keeping and inclusion in the Transfer Articulation Website.
View current General Education Articulation Agreements via Transfer Agreements and Guides.