General Transcript Ordering Questions
How do I request a transcript?
How much does a transcript cost?
Can I request that my transcript request be expedited?
I have a hold on my record. Can I receive my transcript?
Can I receive an unofficial copy of my transcript?
Why do I need to provide consent?
How many transcripts can I request?
When is my credit card charged?
I cannot log into my account.
Can I request my transcript be held for semester grades or until my degree is posted?
Can you fax my transcript?
General Electronic Transcript Questions:
What is an electronic transcript or eTranscript and how does it work?
How can I be sure an electronic transcript is real?
Why does my eTranscript say COPY OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT when I print it?
Who accepts PDF transcripts?
Can I forward a PDF transcript to someone else?
What file formats do you accept for user supplied attachments?
General eTranscript Document Download and Opening Questions
How long does the recipient have to download my PDF transcript?
What if the recipient does not receive the e-mail required to download the PDF transcript?
What is a certified PDF?
What do I need to open a certified PDF?
What are the possible restrictions on a certified Adobe PDF?
Why am I receiving blank emails?
General Transcript Ordering Questions
How do I request a transcript?
All requests are completed online. We do not accept phone, email, or fax requests. Learn more about ordering transcripts.
How much does a transcript cost?
Transcripts for students enrolled in the current semester are $3 per transcript.
Transcripts for former (not currently enrolled) students are $15 per transcript.
Can I request that my transcript request be expedited?
Official electronic transcript requests are processed the same day the order is placed and is the fastest way to receive your transcript. If you need a paper copy of your transcript sent via expedited delivery, you can select the Rush Urgency option on the transcript ordering page. Please be aware that shipping and handling fees will be applied to your order for expedited shipping.
I have a hold on my record. Can I receive my transcript?
A hold on the record can have different impacts and some holds may not effect the release of transcript. However, certain administrative obligations and holds must be resolved before an official transcript can be released.
To see if a hold has been placed, log into MavLINK and click "Holds" in the left side bar menu. Click on details for additional information on the appropriate office to contact to clear the hold. The office that assigned the hold will be the only office authorized to release that hold.
Can I receive an unofficial copy of my transcript?
Unofficial transcripts are only available to currently enrolled students. These are available on MavLINK under the Academics drop down link by clicking Unofficial Transcript.
Why do I need to provide consent?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Generally, schools must have written permission from the student in order to release any information from a student's education record. During the order process, you will be asked to provide consent. You may complete your order but it will not be processed until your consent has been received.
Learn more about FERPA.
How many transcripts can I request?
You may request up to five (5) copies of your transcript per day.
When is my credit card charged?
When your order is initially placed your credit card will be authorized for the purchase amount, however, it will not be charged until the document has been delivered.
* If you selected to have any documents in your order processed after the next semester's grades are posted (hold for grades) or once your degree is officially awarded (hold for degree), you will be charged in full immediately even though your document will not be processed until a later time. You will not see a pre-authorization charge in this case.
I cannot log into my account.
If you originally logged in from MavLINK, then make sure you are entering the email/password into the correct site. The transcript ordering site will not necessarily have the same password as your MavLINK password.
If you are not receiving a password reset email, first make sure you are entering the correct email address. If that is not the case, check your spam folder.
NOTE: If you have claimed your UNO digital diploma before, you will use those same login credentials to order your transcript.
Parchment Transcript Ordering Support staff can help with accessing your Parchment account at:
Can I request my transcript be held for semester grades or until my degree is posted?
Currently Enrolled Students (Hold for Grades): If you are enrolled in the current semester and want all your current semester grades posted on your transcript prior to the transcript being sent out, you can select Hold for Grades when completing your transcript request in MavLINK. Your transcript will be held and sent out after all of your semester courses are graded at the end of the semester.
Graduating Students (Hold for Degree): If you are graduating in the current semester and would like your degree posted on your transcript before it is sent out, please select Hold for Degree when ordering your official transcript in MavLINK. Your transcript will then be sent out after your current semester courses are graded and your degree is posted at the end of the semester. Note: It can take up to three weeks after the degree conferral date before your degree is posted to your transcript.
Can you fax my transcripts?
No. UNO does not fax transcripts. Faxed transcripts are not official and the university cannot ensure confidentiality for any faxed documents.
General Electronic Transcript Questions
What is an electronic transcript or eTranscript and how does it work?
An electronic transcript or eTranscript is a certified PDF of your official transcript. The University of Nebraska at Omaha has partnered with Parchment to securely process your transcript request. Recipients of the official eTranscript receive an email with instructions on how to retrieve the document from our secure website. Official eTranscripts can be sent to any valid email address.
How can I be sure an electronic transcript is real?
The University of Nebraska Omaha’s official eTranscript is a certified PDF that displays a blue ribbon on the notification bar across the top of Adobe Reader, ensuring the recipient that the digital signature is authentic and the contents of the eTranscript have not been altered. Recipients of UNO’s official eTranscript must use Adobe Reader to view the transcript.
Why does my eTranscript say COPY OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT when I print it?
An eTranscript is considered official in PDF format only. If printed, the words COPY OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT will appear to indicate that the paper copy is not an official institutional document.
Who accepts PDF transcripts?
PDF transcript delivery is becoming increasingly common. However, before requesting PDF transcript delivery, you should verify that the recipient will accept an electronic transcript. Additionally, it is important that you verify the appropriate e-mail address for transmission of the transcript.
Can I forward a PDF transcript to someone else?
Each transcript issued in PDF format has warnings that the document is intended for the recipient only. In addition, the e-mail notification to the recipient states the same. The University of Nebraska at Omaha will not certify the authenticity of any PDF transcript that has been replicated or forwarded to any person or organization other than the intended recipient.
What file formats do you accept for user supplied attachments?
The preferred format is PDF or JPEG, but we accept most any format.
General Document Download and Opening Questions
How long does the recipient have to download my PDF transcript?
The recipient has 30 days to download your PDF transcript before it expires. Recipients who have not downloaded your PDF transcript receive a reminder e-mail a few days prior to expiration.
If the recipient does not download the transcript within 30 days, the transcript will expire and a new order will need to be completed to have the transcript resent.
What if the recipient does not receive the e-mail required to download the PDF transcript?
Please have the recipient check their junk mail for the e-mail.
What is a certified PDF?
It is an official transcript that has been digitally signed and therefore contains special characteristics. If this document has been issued by the School, and this document is viewed using Adobe® Acrobat version 6.0 or greater, or Adobe® Reader version 6.04 or greater, it will reveal a digital signature that has been applied to the transcript. This digital signature will appear in a pop-up screen or status bar on the document, display a blue ribbon, and declare that the document was certified by the School with a valid certificate issued by GeoTrust CA for Adobe®. This document certification can be validated by clicking on the Signature Properties of the document. The blue ribbon symbol is your assurance that the digital signature is valid, the document is authentic, and the contents of the transcript have not been altered.
If the transcript does not display a valid certification and signature message, reject this transcript immediately. An invalid digital signature display means either the digital signature is not authentic, or the document has been altered.
The digital signature can also be revoked by the Registrar's Office if there is cause, and digital signatures can expire. A document with an invalid digital signature display should be rejected.
What do I need to open a certified PDF?
In order to open a certified PDF, the free Adobe Reader must be installed. Download the latest version of the free Adobe Reader.
What are the possible restrictions on a certified Adobe PDF?
As an authentic PDF, this document has embedded restrictions specified by the creator that may or may not allow for the following:
- Alteration of content
- Copying and extracting content
- Limited viewing privileges
It is important to note that the use of this document may be monitored. The rights are subject to revocation. To learn more about secure PDF's please visit
Why am I receiving blank emails?
This behavior is caused by the security settings on some mail applications, such as Microsoft Outlook. The email is not actually blank, rather the mail client is suppressing the image in the email and displaying a large blank box instead. If you scroll down, the email text will appear. To fix this issue try the following:
- Scroll down and the email text will appear.
- Right Click on the blank image box and select “Download Pictures”.
You can also select “Add Sender to the Safe Sender’s List” so that future emails will appear correctly. - The Image will appear in normal size and the email text will be visible.
This computer must be connected to the network in order to open this document. - Your permission to open this document offline has expired.
Make sure this computer is connected to the network and the Adobe LiveCycle. The reason is because the recipient is behind a firewall (school,company,military, etc.) that is preventing the PDF from contacting our security servers. - One resolution is to have them try to open it on a separate network such as their home.