The Dodge Campus facilities provide a safe and comfortable living environment for students.
2024 Dodge Campus Move-In Guide Now Available
Maverick Village & University Village Digital Edition
Submit a Work Order
Students living in Maverick and University Village must complete an online work order request to have a non-emergency issue fixed. Work orders are prioritized and addressed by the Housing and Residence Life maintenance staff. Contact the main office or your RA for issues with heat, air conditioning, water leaking, or safety.
Do not fill this out for emergencies or for issues concerning internet, cable, or laundry.
Additional Support
Internet and Cable
Apogee Support
855.813.7018 - Laundry Machines
Pay Rent
Students living in Maverick and University Village can pay rent via MavLINK or in person at the Cashiering and Student accounts in the Eppley Administration Building (EAB) during normal business hours.
Are you a parent or guardian that would like to pay rent for your student? We have a tutorial on how to pay rent as a guest on MavLINK.
Dodge Campus Emergency Procedures
Housing and Residence Life plans for emergencies with residents in mind to ensure safety. While events such as severe weather, tornadoes or even maintenance issues are unpredictable, Housing and Residence Life has a plan for what residents should do. Please read the emergency procedures to better prepare yourself for emergencies.
Maverick Village Emergency Procedures
- MAINTENANCE: Contact the Maverick Village (MV) Resident Assistant (RA) on duty if you experience issues with a leaking sink, plumbing, or your heating or A/C unit. Non-emergency maintenance requests can be reported online.
- FIRE: You must exit your apartment when a fire alarm is sounding in your building. Report to the MV clubhouse. Lock your door and take your keys and ID with you.
- TORNADO: MV students will be notified of a tornado warning via the campus emergency system speaker in every apartment. All students should go to the lower level of the MV clubhouse.
- WINTER WEATHER: Check the UNO website for specific information regarding classes being canceled. You will receive a UNO text alert in the case of classes being canceled.
- POWER OUTAGE: If you experience a power outage, call the front desk or the MV RA on duty if after hours.
- NATURAL GAS: If you smell natural gas, leave the apartment. Do not use a light switch, telephone, or cell phone. Call the RA on duty or the front desk after you leave the apartment.
- UNO LOCKDOWN: In the event of a hostile or emergency situation on campus or in the surrounding community, UNO may enact a “Shelter in Place.” The “Campus Wide Alert System” will instruct all members of the community to stay in place. All residents and staff members should follow the directions given through the broadcast system.
University Village Emergency Procedures
- MAINTENANCE: Contact the University Village (UV) Resident Assistant (RA) on duty if you experience any issues with a leaking sink, plumbing issues, or with your heating or A/C unit. Non-emergency maintenance requests should be submitted online.
- FIRE: You must exit your apartment and report to the clubhouse when a fire alarm is sounding in your building. Lock your door and take your keys and ID with you.
- TORNADO: UV students will be notified of a tornado warning via the campus emergency system speaker in every apartment. Students should go to the Weber Fine Arts Building.
- WINTER WEATHER: Check the UNO website for specific information regarding classes being canceled. You will receive a UNO text alert in the case of classes being canceled.
- POWER OUTAGE: If you experience a power outage, call the front desk or the UV RA on duty after hours.
- NATURAL GAS: If you smell natural gas, leave the apartment. Do not use a light switch, telephone, or cell phone. Call the RA on duty or the front desk after you leave the apartment
- UNO LOCKDOWN: In the event of a hostile or emergency situation on campus or in the surrounding community, UNO may enact “Shelter in Place.” The “Campus Wide Alert System” will instruct all members of the community to stay in place. All residents and staff members should follow the directions given through the broadcast system.
Checkout Procedures and Appeal Process
Any time a student is moving out of a room, whether they are making a room change or leaving on-campus housing, proper checkout procedures must be followed.
Each resident is expected to maintain their apartment in good condition and is responsible for any damages caused by guests.
To appeal a damage charge, a damage appeal form must be completed.
Complete Housing Damages Appeal Form.