Voter Engagement at UNO
Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs in the UNO Office of Engagement, in partnership with the UNO Student Government Association has compiled these voting resources and information for our campus community.

UNO participates in TurboVote, a free, non-partisan online tool that helps Americans register to vote, request absentee ballots, and sign up to receive text or email reminders about registration deadlines, upcoming elections, and where to vote.

NSLVE UNO Campus Report

Campus Voter Recognition
Students at UNO continue to be recognized for their exceptional voter engagement. UNO students consistently register to vote and vote at rates that exceed the national rates for college students in both categories. In 2020, UNO received a Gold Seal from the All In Democracy Challenge for having a 72.3 student voting rate in the 2020 Presidential election.

Student Government
Student Government (SG-UNO) exists to advance the student experience. As the official voice of the student body we represent, empower, and serve students.