I have a disability. What resources are available for me?
The Accessibility Services Center (ASC) collaborates with students, administrators, faculty, and staff to ensure that we provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations for our students with disabilities. ASC offers a full range of campus support services to ensure the success of our students.
How do I change/declare my major?
To change your major, you need to see the department in which you wish to major. To complete the process, you may need to make an appointment with an academic advisor.
Once you have met the admissions requirements/prerequisites for the major you are interested in, your advisor will assist you in filling out a “change of major” form, which is to be turned into the Registrar’s Office in 105 Eppley Administration Building.
To change your academic program, fill out the form linked below and return to the Registrar's Office.
I need help paying for college.
Student accounts, billing, and payment options have become a lot more flexible.
I am having trouble keeping up with my grades. Who can help?
UNO offers numerous learning centers, academic resources, and tutoring options on campus. It's also important that you talk with faculty if you are struggling in class, they can help point you toward the resources that will help you stay on pace.
What are some of the ways I can stay healthy in college?
UNO wants all of its students to not only survive college but thrive while they're here. The UNO Wellness Center is dedicated to assisting with your overall well-being.
Who can I talk to if I’m struggling?
I need to help my friend.
Knowing when your friend needs help and knowing what to do for them isn't always easy. It’s hard to watch our friends struggle with things like addiction, break ups, and health issues.
For on-campus emergencies call 402.554.2911 or 911.
If you are in need of immediate support or to speak with a confidential advisor call 402.554.2409.
I need help.
If you are in need of immediate support or to speak with a confidential advisor call 402.554.2409.
Who can I talk to if someone is making me feel uncomfortable?
The UNO Care Team (formerly BRT) responds to reports of concerning student behavior. The Bias and Hate Incidents reporting form can be used to report non-emergency bias incidents.
Those reviewing the Bias and Hate Incident report submission will work to respond to the incident and support those who have become or witnessed someone become a target of an act of bias.
Failing Classes
Satisfactory Academic Progress (FSS)
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a policy put in place to ensure that students receiving financial aid are successfully completing their degree program in a timely fashion.