Odin is the primary Linux server for IS&T programming classes. Accounts are automatically generated for faculty and students that need to use the system.
Odin users are limited to 1GB of storage, 80 processes, and 100 minutes per job.
How to Log in to Odin
Important You must use the VPN to connect from off-campus, which includes the dorms. Instructions are below.- Sign up for TrueYou Duo (if you haven't already) by following TrueYou Instructions (pdf)
- Install and connect to the VPN by following these instructions
- Debian Linux users follow these instructions
For help with the VPN, please call 402.554.4357.
Connect from Windows using MobaXterm
MobaXterm is installed on all public lab computers at PKI.
- If needed, download, and install MobaXterm from here: mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download-home-edition.html
- When the installation is complete, open MobaXterm
- Click Session in the upper left corner, then click SSH
- In the Remote host field, type odin.unomaha.edu then press Enter
- Enter your UNO NetID username and password to connect
Connect from Windows using Putty
Putty is installed on all public lab computers at PKI.
- If needed, download, and install Putty from here: chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
- When the installation is complete, open Putty
- In the hostname field, type: odin.unomaha.edu then press Enter
- Enter your UNO NetID username and password to connect
Connect from Windows using WinSCP
WinSCP is installed on all public lab computers at PKI.- If needed, download, and install WinSCP from here: https://winscp.net/eng/download.php
- When the installation is complete, open WinSCP
- In the File protocol dropdown, choose SCP
- In the hostname field, type: odin.unomaha.edu then press Enter
- Enter your UNO NetID username and password in the respective fields to connect
- Click yes when you see the message Continue connecting to an unknown server and add its host key to cache? (It will appear the first time you connect)
Connect from Mac or Linux
- From a terminal, type: ssh your-netid@odin.unomaha.edu
- Example: For the UNO NetID of janesmith the command would be: ssh janesmith@odin.unomaha.edu
Should you need to create web pages for an assignment, you must store your files in your public_html folder. This folder is located directly inside your home directory. No publish script is required.
Your webpages will be available from on-campus or from off-campus while connected to the VPN in the following format:
Python, Perl, and CGI
To run Python, Perl, or CGI files that reside in your public_html folder, you will need to make them executable with the chmod command. Below is an example for a file named: test.pl
chmod +x test.pl
Software on Odin
- Apache
- Biopython
- Clingo 5.6.2
- emacs
- Flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator)
- Git
- GNU C++
- Haskell
- Julia
- LaTeX
- Matplotlib 2.1.0
- MySQL + MySQL Python
- NLTK 3.7
- Numpy 1.16.6
- OpenJDK
- Perl
- PHP + php-mysql
- Python 2.7.16 & 3.7.3
- R
- Raku
- Rust
- sqlite3
- tcsh
- Tkinter 8.6
- vim
To request software installs, email us at uno-ist-support@unomaha.edu.
If you would like to use GitHub on Odin, there are guides for students and teachers at the links below.
Database Information: MySQL
MySQL databases permissions are pre-provisioned. You'll create a database and name it the same as your UNO NetID username. Here are some of the commands you'll need to use.
- To access MySQL on Odin, type: mysql then press Enter
- To create your database, type: CREATE DATABASE dbname; (use your NetID in place of dbname)
- To view existing MySQL databases type: SHOW DATABASES; then press Enter