NASA Nebraska Space Grant Refunded
- contact: Jon Hiles - NASA Space Grant & EPSCoR
- phone: 402.554.3772
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- space grant
- funded research
Omaha – NASA Nebraska Space Grant was recently approved for FY 2017 funding to continue promoting aerospace research, education, and outreach at 11 higher education institutions across Nebraska. With current year funding, Nebraska Space Grant is supporting a minimum of 6 NASA internships, more than 40 student fellowships, and a dozen faculty research projects and design teams with nearly 100 additional students receiving support through those same projects. From Chadron State College’s Science Saturday community outreach program, to UNL’s aircraft Design/Build/Fly team, to Nebraska Indian Community College’s weather monitoring project, students and researchers from the panhandle to the Missouri River are advancing NASA and STEM-related efforts in the state.
On August 21, the Solar Eclipse will arch across the United States transiting Nebraska from the panhandle through the southeastern corner of the state. NASA Nebraska Space Grant will kick off the new funding year by co-hosting the state’s largest eclipse event in Grand Island, Nebraska. High altitude ballooning missions to record the eclipse and provide live video from 85,000 feet are part of Space Grant activities. Space Grant is also distributing tens of thousands of solar eclipse glasses to schools in the path of the eclipse allowing the state’s students to witness the event safely.
Whether studying the cosmos at Creighton, constructing robots at UNO, advancing elementary science education at College of Saint Mary, designing rockets at UNL, building aquaponics facilities at UNK, or creating new electronics classes at Western Nebraska Community College, NASA Nebraska Space Grant is helping students and researchers move Nebraska deeper into the twenty-first century. As it embarks upon year 27 of its mission, Space Grant expects its partners in research and student achievement to advance aerospace and STEM initiatives to new levels. In support of this effort, NASA Nebraska Space Grant is accepting applications for student fellowships and research proposals through May 20 for the coming 2017-18 academic year. Additional information is available at