2017 News Release Archive
Begin With the End in Mind Returns in 2018
December 04, 2017The Department of Gerontology is offering the popular lecture series, “Begin With the End in Mind" in Spring 2018. Check out the list of topics, save the dates, and reserve your seat today.
Goodrich Scholars Win National Scholarships to Korea
November 30, 2017Goodrich Scholars Eneris Bernard Santos and Amy Dinh have continued the Goodrich and CPACS tradition of national recognition and scholarship awards to study abroad. Next Spring, both will be engaging the global community in Korea.
UNO Researchers To Study Correctional Officers' Stress, Mental Health
November 30, 2017A new study by faculty members of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice will examine the potential link between correctional officers’ degree of exposure to stressful experiences in prison, such as an assault, and the development of long-term mental and physical health problems.
Criminologist Anderson and colleagues study public opinions about the death penalty
November 30, 2017Amy Anderson, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and her colleagues, used data from four decades of the General Social Survey to find what is driving support and opposition to the death penalty. They found that age, race, politics and religion influence opinions about the death penalty, but that these may not have the effect you expect.
Reed Named Interim Director of UNO Center for Urban Sustainability
November 30, 2017Christine Reed, School of Public Administration, has been named the new interim director for the UNO Center for Urban Sustainability. The goal of the Center is to work across all colleges on the UNO campus to find ways that engaged research can provide tangible benefits to the city of Omaha and its citizens.
Be a Santa to a Senior this year
November 10, 2017The Department of Gerontology, Sigma Phi Omega, and Home Instead Senior Care are joining forces for the ninth year and would like to give you an opportunity to “be a Santa to a Senior.”
Grace Abbott School of Social Work Presents Rural Mental Health Research
November 07, 2017GASSW faculty, staff, and students presented research on rural mental health at the recent Council on Social Work Education's Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, Texas.
Toman Soars to New Heights
November 07, 2017Gina Toman’s leadership experience in CPACS as as assistant dean of CPACS and director of the Division of Continuing Studies has prepared her for her newest role as faculty human resources officer and assistant to the senior vice chancellor.
Omaha Flying Mavs Dominate Regional Flight Competition
November 07, 2017The Flying Mavs, took home first place in the Region 6 National Intercollegiate Flying Association Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference competition. Omaha was the host school for this year’s event that ran the week of October 16, 2017.
Lutte Earns Aviation Honor
October 05, 2017Rebecca Lutte, Ph.D., Aviation Institute, was awarded the V.L. Laursen Award for Outstanding Contributions to Aerospace Education at the 70th Annual University Aviation Association.
Eikenberry Elected President of ARNOVA
October 05, 2017On Friday, Sept. 22, UNO associate professor Angela Eikenberry was named president-elect for the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
Karen Ressegieu Retirement Reception
September 19, 2017On Friday, Sept. 22, UNO associate professor Angela Eikenberry was named president-elect for the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
Goodrich Scholar Wins National Award
September 18, 2017Clarice Dombeck is one of three UNO students awarded with the Fall 2017 Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship. Studying abroad gives Clarice an opportunity to actively engage with the global community, supporting one of the fundamental goals of CPACS.
New Faces at Grace Abbott School of Social Work
September 12, 2017The Grace Abbott School of Social Work welcomed a new advisor and two new faculty members in August.
Her Motivation Has Always Been Clear: Helping Students
September 12, 2017Karen Ressegieu is retiring on October 5. During her 53 years of service, her job title has changed but her primary motivation behind her work has always been to help students.
2020 Census Activities Underway: UNO Center for Public Affairs Research Taking a Key Role
September 11, 2017It might seem like a long way off, but the 2020 Census is right around the corner. In in little over two years, census forms and postcards allowing online completion of the census for the first time will be in the mail. Many things will occur between now and the “Census Day” of April 1, 2020 to ensure that each person and housing unit are counted once, only once, and in the right place.
22nd Annual Jailhouse Scramble | Golfing to Raise Scholarship Dollars
August 09, 2017UNO School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (SCCJ) will be hosting their annual Jailhouse Scramble on Friday, September 15.
Aviation Institute Pilots New UAS Course
August 07, 2017UNO's Aviation Institute offered its first official UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) course this summer.
Do you have the Courage to Care Campaign
August 07, 2017The Department of Gerontology is launching its new campaign, The Courage to Care, as a way to encourage prospective students and mid-career professionals to consider a future in aging.
Emergency Management students go on field mission to Japan
August 07, 2017Two UNO Emergency Management students just experienced the trip of a lifetime while attending the Japan: Learning from Disasters Field Mission.
School of Public Administration Hosts National Conference
July 06, 2017SPA recently hosted a conference that is the first of its kind, combining the Midwest Public Affairs Conference, Teaching Public Administration Conference, and Social Equity Leadership Conference.
Focus on Juvenile Justice in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
July 06, 2017The Juvenile Justice Institute within the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice offers students an opportunity to advance research and translate it into practice.
Creating an Economy that Promotes the General Welfare of the Entire Nation
July 06, 2017In 2014, the AFL-CIO created a Commission on Racial and Economic Justice. It reported its finding earlier this year.
Nationally Ranked Program Gets New Name
July 06, 2017The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Bachelor of General Studies is getting a new name. Beginning with the 2017 fall semester, the name of the degree is changing to the Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies.
Goodrich Alumnae Awarded the Fulbright
June 08, 2017Two alumnae of the Goodrich Scholarship Program are the recipients of the prestigious Fulbright Award.
CPAR sponsors 2020 Census planning events
June 08, 2017The U.S. Constitution requires a census of America’s population each decade. Two events sponsored by the Center for Public Affairs Research will help local communities prepare for the 2020 Census.
UNO School of Criminology and Criminal Justice adds Nationally Recognized Policing Expert
May 05, 2017Professor Justin Nix, currently an assistant professor at the University of Louisville, will join the faculty in UNOs School of Criminology and Criminal Justice in fall 2017.
Bartle Recognized by AGHE
May 05, 2017John Bartle, CPACS dean, received the Administrative Leadership Honor at the annual meeting of AGHE.
Dr. Larry D. Winkler Memorial Scholarship established
May 05, 2017The Division of Continuing Studies is honored and proud to announce the establishment of the Dr. Larry D. Winkler Memorial Scholarship.
GASSW Launches a Blue Ribbon Campaign
April 18, 2017To bring awareness about child abuse prevention to UNO’s campus, the Grace Abbott School of Social Work and the Phi Alpha Honor Society have launched a Blue Ribbon Campaign for the month of April.
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Refunded
April 18, 2017NASA Nebraska Space Grant was recently approved for FY 2017 funding to continue promoting aerospace research, education, and outreach at 11 higher education institutions across Nebraska.
Global Digital Governance Lab: A Digital Vision
March 31, 2017With its mission to develop innovative theory and practice to advance good digital governance globally, the Global Digital Governance Lab (GDGL) has its sights set on the future.
18th Annual Promoting the General Welfare Conference
March 31, 2017The William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies conducted its 18th Annual Promoting the General Welfare conference at the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center on March 11, 2017.
Vocational and Life Skills Programs Work to Reduce Recidivism and Increase Employment across Nebraska
March 31, 2017Since 2015, a grant administered by the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) has funded prisoner reentry programs across the state of Nebraska to provide vocational and life skills training.
CPAR Celebrates Advance Partnership
March 17, 2017Staff from the Center for Public Affairs Research, alongside partners from the Nebraska Safety Center, officially kicked off a unique five-year partnership intended to improve and promote public transit across Nebraska.
Gregory Gonzalez: A Top Cop for the People
March 17, 2017Gregory Gonzalez, a Goodrich alum, is a recipient of the 2017 CPACS Alumni Award. Greg is an Omaha native whose 24-year (and counting) professional law enforcement career has led him to a deputy chief position in the Omaha Police Department, which has about 800 sworn officers. Greg also serves on numerous policing and community governing boards.
Introducing Ryan Guthridge, Chief Ground Instructor
March 17, 2017The Aviation Institute welcomed a new faculty member in January. Ryan Guthridge joined the Aviation Institute as its Chief Ground Instructor.
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Faculty Partner with Douglas County on Reentry Project
March 03, 2017School of Criminology and Criminal Justice faculty members have partnered with Douglas County to assist with the design and evaluation of an assessment and reentry case management services to be implemented at the Douglas County Detention Center.
Online BGS Ranked 24th in Nation
February 14, 2017The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) is home to one of the nation’s top online bachelor’s degree programs according to the latest ranking from U.S. News and World Report, released January 10, 2017.
Stellar Growth for Emergency Management
February 14, 2017The growth of the Emergency Services Program is truly remarkable since its inception in 2012.
Urban Research Grant Presentation Schedule
February 14, 2017CPACS has announced the schedule of presentations for the findings of the projects funded by the Urban Research Grant Project.
CPACS Alumni Awards Celebration
February 09, 2017The CPACS Alumni Awards Celebration will be held March 28, 2017, 5:30-7:30 P.M., at the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center.
JJI Interns Translate Research to Practice for Nebraska Absenteeism/Truancy Programs
December 23, 2016The Juvenile Justice Institute (JJI) is currently working with the Nebraska Crime Commission (NCC) to evaluate the impact of programs to address issues of absenteeism.
Conference Will Explore New Ways of Caring for an Aging Population
December 23, 2016The Aging with Passion & Purpose: Next Generation Services conference will explore new ways of caring for an aging population. Registration deadline is March 7.
A New Dei with MPA Student Ruey Dei
December 23, 2016To speak to Ruey Dei (pronounced Ray Day) is to speak to someone who is kind, determined, and passionate about life.
Division of Continuing Studies Student Ambassadors
December 23, 2016The DCS Ambassadors are a student organization that represents the Division of Continuing Studies to members of the community, guests of the Division, and prospective students.
Holley Awarded Endowed Professorship
December 23, 2016Lyn Holley is the recipient of the inaugural Dr. Chuck Powell Professorship of Gerontology.