BootcampR Workshop: Spark Joy with Data (Tidy Data in R)
This workshop introduces the dplyr and tidyr methods from the Tidyverse library.
- date: 02/25/20
- time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
- location: CL 232 • maps
- contact: Jason Heppler - Criss Library • 402.554.5879 •
- search keywords:
- Criss Library

Do you work with data that often needs cleaning up? Do you have a need to summarize or aggregate data within one source, or among multiple sources? This workshop introduces the dplyr and tidyr methods from the Tidyverse library.
View the full schedule, interactive worksheets, and additional resources.
February 11 Orientation and Setup
February 18 R Basics / Intro to the Tidyverse
February 25 Spark Joy with Data (Tidy Data in R)
March 3 Making Graphs
March 10 Visualizing Networks
March 17 Making Maps
March 31 Clustering and Classifying