BootcampR Workshop: Visualizing Networks
This workshop introduces methods for building network graphs and conducting social network analysis in R.
- date: 03/10/20
- time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
- location: CL 232 • maps
- contact: Jason Heppler - Criss Library • 402.554.5879 •
- search keywords:
- Criss Library

This workshop introduces methods for building network graphs and conducting social network analysis in R. Attendees will work hands-on with the ggraph, network, and ggplot libraries for creating, analyzing, and visualizing networks.
View the full schedule, interactive worksheets, and additional resources.
February 11 Orientation and Setup
February 18 R Basics / Intro to the Tidyverse
February 25 Spark Joy with Data (Tidy Data in R)
March 3 Making Graphs
March 10 Visualizing Networks
March 17 Making Maps
March 31 Clustering and Classifying