ORCA Leadership

Sara Myers, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activity
Office of Research and Creative Activity
Kristin Girten, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activity
Office of Research and Creative Activity
Brenda Kolobara

Rica McLaren
Assistant Director, Finance and Administration
Office of Research and Creative Activity
Amanda Buker

Michelle Friend, Ph.D.

Jonathan Santo, Ph.D.

Erica Shipman
Pre-Award Team: Grants Coordinators

Rachel Bachle

Heather Leas

Cody Bridgeford

Jolene Rohde
Pre-Award Team: Contracts & Awards Administrators

Scott Dannelly

Aaron Keanini
Ashlee McGill
Post-Award Team

Trudy Nienaber

Amber Purdy Vogel

Stephanie Welch

Deb Davis

Emily Ramirez
Business Operations

Sarah McKee

Deanna Marcelino