UNO has two degree audit systems for students and advisors to track students' progress toward degree completion. Students on the 2023 or older catalog track their degree progress in Degree Works while students on the 2024 or newer catalog track their degree progress in Stellic.
You can access Stellic through your MavLINK account by clicking on the link titled "Degree Audit" on the left side menu.
Stellic is a comprehensive degree management and planning tool. Further information and training materials for Stellic can be found at the UNO Stellic website for students.
Degree Works
You can access Degree Works through your MavLINK account by clicking on the link titled "Degree Audit" on the left side menu.
You can use Degree Works to:
- Check degree progress
- Plan future courses
- Review course history
- Explore new/additional majors and minors with Degree Works What-If Audit
Be sure to discuss your Degree Works audit with your academic adviser to make sure your records are up-to-date.
Degree Works Audit

Degree Works What-If Audit Selection Screen
When running a what-if audit, you can make the following selections:
- Catalog year
- Career - Undergraduate or Graduate
- Degree
- Major
- Concentration or Endorsement, if applicable
- Additional major (second major)
- Minor
- Future courses you plan to take

Degree Works What-If Audit
The What-If audit can compare these three things to the changes you are considering for your program of study:
- Completed requirements
- In-progress requirements
- Planned courses