2014 News Release Archive
Students Use Theatre to Prevent Bullying
November 24, 2015UNO is teaming with Millard Horizon High School for a service-learning project aimed at teaching elementary students how to prevent bullying
New Student Health Plan to Begin This August at UNO
November 24, 2015The University of Nebraska has announced a new, university-wide student health plan
UNO Students, Professor to Present Terrorism Research at Nation’s Capitol
November 24, 2015Senior Samantha Woracek, Master of Business Administration Graduate Katy Connealy and Assistant Professor of Management Gina Ligon will showcase their research in Washington D.C.
UNO Student Research, Creative Activity Fair Returns for 2014
November 24, 2015More than 200 research projects will be on display Friday, March 7 at UNO’s Sixth Annual Student Research and Creative Activity Fair.
CBA Professor Honored for Teaching, Writing
November 24, 2015Rebecca Morris, associate professor of management at UNO, was recently named a Fellow of the North American Case Research Association
Student Documentary to Show at Filmstreams
November 24, 2015Students from the School of Communication will be featured as one of 12 films in Film Stream's 2014 Local Filmmaker's Showcase
UFOs, Paranormal Activity the Focus of Sept. 19 Symposium
November 24, 2015The student/faculty UFO Study Group will host their fifth UFO Symposium on Sept. 19
NPR's Maria Hinojosa to Visit UNO Campus
November 24, 2015On Tuesday, April 29, and Wednesday, April 30, the host of "Latino USA," Maria Hinojosa, will be on campus to speak to students and members of the community
Women's Rights, Islam Focus of Scholar Talk at UNO
November 24, 2015Dr. Azizah al-Hibri will present on women's rights and the Quran on Thursday, March 6
UNO Hosts Nebraska Science Fest Events
November 24, 2015A campus-based extension of this year's Nebraska Science Festival will be held at UNO, featuring a day of hands-on activities
Literacy, Culture the Focus of UNO College of Education Events in October
November 24, 2015UNO is inviting Native American author and public speaker Joseph Bruchac to campus and the Omaha metro for a three-day event focused on literacy
Maverick Monument Arrives at UNO Aug. 4
November 24, 2015After months of planning, the UNO Maverick Monument will arrive on campus Monday, Aug. 4
UNO, KANEKO to Host Series on Creativity
November 24, 2015Beginning in November, the KANEKO-UNO Library and UNO Writer's Workshop will host panel discussions on the creative process
Local Executives Earn Warren Buffett Scholarship
November 24, 2015For Omaha executives, who recently completed the Genius of Warren Buffett Executive MBA course at UNO received a $1000 scholarship
UNO Students Awarded National Study Abroad Scholarships
November 24, 2015Five UNO students have earned study-abroad scholarship from the U.S. government
Midlands Superintendent Academy to Graduate Inaugural Class
November 24, 2015The inaugural class of UNO's Midwest Superintendents Academy is set to graduate. This year's class features 15 participants from Nebraska and Iowa
UNO Students Earn $20,000 in Scholarships from Latino, Latin American Studies Office
November 24, 2015Eleven UNO students, both current and incoming, earned a collective $20,000 in scholarship funding for the 2014-2015 academic year
UNO Prof Finds Benefits in Grass-Based Biofuels
November 24, 2015Assistant Professor Timothy Dickson is one of 17 authors on a recently published paper examining the environmental benefits of grass-based biofuels, compared to those of the more popular corn-based fuels.
UNO Students Earn Prizes at National Entrepreneurship Convention
November 24, 2015UNO students proved successful at this year's 2014 Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization National Convention in Orlando.
Terry Bozzio to Bring World's Largest Drum Kit to UNO on Oct. 3
November 24, 2015On Friday, Oct. 3, world-renowned drummer Terry Bozzio will perform on one of the world's largest drum kits as he visits UNO on his most recent world tour
Bioretention Garden Earns International Recognition
November 24, 2015UNO's Welcome Center Bioretention Garden was named one of the 10 best water waste sustainability projects in in 2014
UNO Gerontology to Offer Bachelor’s Degree
November 24, 2015For the first time in its 40-plus-year history, the UNO Department of Gerontology will provide a full degree program for students
UNO College of Business Receives $6.4 Million Gift
November 24, 2015The UNO College of Business Administration has announced a $6.8 million endowment for scholarships and programs
UNO Dance Team is in National Top Five
November 24, 2015At last weekend's National Dance Alliance Championships, the UNO Maverick Dance Team scored its highest finish ever by placing fifth
Report on Nebraska Mexican-Origin Population Released in Spanish
November 24, 2015OLLAS has translated September's report on the state's Mexican-origin population into Spanish
Names Announced for UNO Engagement Center, Resource Center and Endowed Directorship
November 24, 2015On April 17, the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center was officially dedicated along with a new resource center and endowed directorship
UNO's New Community Engagement Center to be Dedicated Today
November 24, 2015The newest and biggest addition to UNO's community engagement efforts will be formally dedicated today
UNO Receives $1.2 Million for STEM Education Scholarships
November 24, 2015UNO will be able to provide scholarships to dozens of future teachers thanks to a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation
UNO Releases Dean's and Chancellor's List for Spring 2014 Semester
November 24, 2015More than 3,000 students were named to the Dean's List or Chancellor's List for their high academic performances during the Spring 2014 semester
UNO Aviation Director Earns Regional Award from Boy Scouts
November 24, 2015Scott Vlasek, director of UNO's Aviation Institute, will be honored with the William H. Spurgeon III Award on Saturday, Jan. 11.
A Statement From the University of Nebraska
November 24, 2015The University of Nebraska has issued a statement, representing the position of NU President James B. Milliken and the chancellors of the University of Nebraska campuses, rejecting the call for a boycott of Israeli universities.
UNO Scientists Lead Multi-State Toxicology Study of Mississippi River
November 24, 2015On Saturday, June 7, UNO's Nebraska Watershed Network will join 67 partners across eight states and 1,400 miles to test for high levels of atrazine in the Mississippi River
UNO to Host Accounting Speaker Series
November 24, 2015An international accounting expert and a convicted fraudster will be guest speakers at the 2014 UNO Accounting Speakers Series event on Friday, Sept. 26.
UNO Announces Names of Fall 2013 Graduates
November 24, 2015More than 1,200 earned degrees from UNO at the December 21 ceremonies
TEDxUNO Announced for February 2015
November 24, 2015The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) has announced the launch of TEDxUNO, an independently organized extension of the popular TED series
Brooklyn Ensemble to Perform at UNO
November 24, 2015The Brooklyn-Based "PROJECT Trio" will be on the UNO campus on Saturday, April 19 for a special performance
Global Security Expert to Speak at UNO Nov. 6
November 24, 2015The National Strategic Research Institute is hosting the Honorable Ronald F. Lehman, II, for a special presentation and Q&A session
Blackout Colorado College on Feb. 28
November 24, 2015Help the Mavs secure home ice!
UNO Students Host STEM Field Day for High Schoolers
November 24, 2015Two UNO student groups, Women in Stem Education and NE STEM 4U, are hosting a STEM Field Day on April 19
Native American Studies: A Program in Bloom
November 24, 2015UNO’s Native American Studies Program Among UNO’s most diverse offerings
UNO Basketball Earns Academic Excellence Award
November 24, 2015The UNO men's basketball team earned a national academic excellence award from the National Association of Basketball Coaches
Work of Jewish Artists Focus of Exhibit at UNO
November 24, 2015Ten local artists will showcase their work at the UNO Criss Library beginning March 1
UNO to Host STEM Education Events to End July
November 24, 2015On Friday, July 25, and Monday, July 28, through Thursday, July 31, the UNO Office of STEM Education will be hosting two family-friendly events.
UNO Forensics Team Finishes in Top 10 for Fifth Year
November 24, 2015MavForensics, UNO's competitive speech team once again ended the year in the top ten of the nation while senior QueenTara Pimentel earned an individual national championship in Poetry
Report on Hoarding Disorder Released by UNO Research Team
November 24, 2015A report from students and faculty from UNO's Grace Abbott School of Social Work discusses the facts and addresses the myths of hoarding disorder
UNO Announces Names of December 2014 Graduates
November 24, 2015A list of those graduating at UNO's December 2014 Commencement Ceremonies on Dec. 20.
UNO, Girls Inc. Begin Third Year of STEM Camp
November 24, 2015The beginning of June is also the beginning of EUREKA-STEM, a science, technology, engineering and math-focused camp for seventh-and-eighth-grade girls
Peter Kiewit Institute, Kiewit Corp to Host Workshop for K-12 Teachers
November 24, 2015On Wednesday, June 4, and Thursday, June 5, the UNO campus will host the inaugural Kiewit Teacher Day for area K-12 Teachers
Women in IT Initative Surpasses Fundraising Goal
November 24, 2015A task force has raised more than $400,000 to fund and support UNO College of IS&T initiatives designed to improve the Omaha IT workforce
Indian Musicians to Perform at Strauss
November 24, 2015Three talented musicians from India will perform at the Strauss Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Nov 8
Flying Mavs Head to Nationals for Sixth Straight Year
November 24, 2015After finishing third in their region over the weekend, UNO's student aviation team, the Flying Mavs, will be headed to the National Intercollegiate Flying Association tournament in May
UNO Enrollment Holds Steady, Improves in Key Areas
November 24, 2015UNO's enrollment for Fall 2014 have held steady at 15,227 for another year while improving in key areas such as graduate education, diversity, and retention
Faculty Art on Display Beginning Jan. 16
November 24, 2015The first exhibit in the UNO Art Gallery for 2015 will feature work from 19 faculty members
P-16 Project Promotes Early Childhood Literacy
November 24, 2015UNO Speech-Language Pathology students are teaming with the Omaha Public Library to promote early childhood literacy
Students Use Technology to Tackle Disabilities at UNO IT Innovation Cup
November 24, 2015Students from high schools across Omaha will be competing for prizes during UNO's second annual IT Innovation Cup
Omaha Athletics' Year-End Homestand
November 24, 2015A wide array of athletic events will be available for Mav fans during the final weeks of December
Nebraska Business Development Center Offers Seminar on USDA Funding
November 24, 2015A seminar on Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will be held on the UNL campus Thursday, July 31.
First Collection of Writings on Tallgrass Prairie Features Writings of Twain, Dickens, Whitman
November 24, 2015A new book released by UNO Professor of English John Price collects several dozen writings focused on the once-expansive tallgrass prairie
UNO, STRATCOM Training Program to Graduate Inaugural Class on Friday
November 24, 2015Ten civilian employees of the Department of Defense will graduate as the first class of the USSTRATCOM Leader Fellowship Program - a partnership between UNO and United State Strategic Command
Road Signs Turned into Art by UNO Students
November 24, 2015Dr. David Helm's "Art in Public Places" course will be displaying artistically designed street signs on campus Monday, Feb. 24
Researchers Find Rare Coin, Other Artifacts at Bethsaida Dig Site
November 24, 2015During the 2014 excavations of the ancient biblical city of Bethsaida, researchers, led by UNO's Rami Arav, unearthed a rare coin dating back to the first century as well as other ancient artifacts.
9/11 Event Brings Together UNO, Northwest High School Students to Discuss Tolerance
November 24, 2015UNO and Northwest High School have teamed with the Anti-Defamation League for service-learning project focused on tolerance
UNO Professor to Discuss German Army's Role During Holocaust
November 24, 2015UNO Prof. Waitman Beorn will discuss his book "Marching Into Darkness," and the role of the Germany army during the Holocaust on Wednesday, Feb. 19.
Speakers Announced for TEDxUNO
November 24, 2015A concert organizer, a poet, and an LGBTQ advocate are just some of the guests who will be speaking at February's TEDxUNO event
Holocaust Scholar to Speak at History Lecture Series
November 24, 2015On Thursday, Nov. 13, Holocaust scholar and author Christopher Browning will speak as part of the UNO Department of History's annual Winchell Lecture
Photographer to Discuss Aging Prison Population Project
November 24, 2015Photographer Ron Levine will be on the UNO campus Wednesday, Oct. 29, to discuss his work photographing and documenting the nation's oldest prisoners
UNO Students Score in Top 10 Percent at Prestigious Putnam Math Competition
November 24, 2015UNO's 2013 Putnam team placed 49th out of 557 competing institutions from across the U.S. and Canada.
Five U.S. Ambassadors to Speak at UNO Event
November 24, 2015Five former American ambassadors to Asia and the Middle East will be at UNO April 7 for a special forum on the future of United States relations with one of the world’s most contentious regions.
High School Musicians Host Fundraising Concerts
November 24, 2015The Metropolitan Area Youth Jazz Orchestra, organized by UNO, is performing to raise funds to perform in San Diego
Santa Paws Proves Successful
November 24, 2015Organized by MavPRSSA, a pet-focused fundraiser raised $800 for a local no-kill animal shelter
‘Wearable Technology’ Curriculum Aims to Fuel Interest in STEM
November 24, 2015A new partnership between UNO and UNL is introducing wearable technology into Nebraska classrooms over the next three years
Mammel Hall to House New Behavioral Research Lab
November 24, 2015A new state-of-the-art behavioral research lab will officially open in the home of UNO's College of Business Administration on Friday, Oct. 24
Reading Series Returns to UNO Sept. 10
November 24, 2015The UNO Writer's Workshop is bringing back their popular "Reading Series" back to campus for 2014
UNO to Host Korean Philosophy Conference
November 24, 2015The UNO Thompson Alumni Center will host a three-day conference on Korean philosophy and its connections with the U.S.
UNO Researchers Aim to Prevent Patient Falls
November 24, 2015A recently published study from UNO researchers finds simple solution to reducing number, severity of patient falls in hospitals, care centers
UNO Hosts Service Learning Seminar for K-12, College Educators
November 24, 2015Beginning Monday, July 14, the UNO Service Learning Academy will host a four-day Service Learning Seminar on the UNO campus designed for area educators
Campus Notice: Security Tips for Fall
November 24, 2015As the days get shorter and nights get longer, please remember these important safety tips
Important Collection of Jewish Texts Donated to UNO Schwalb Center
November 24, 2015Two copies of a collection of important Jewish texts, known as the Babylonian Talmud, were recently donated to UNO
UNO PRSSA Wins National Awards
November 24, 2015UNO's chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) received six national awards at this year's national competition
UNO Volunteers to Assist Special Olympics in Lincoln, Help Register Voters in Omaha
November 24, 2015For this year's Three Days of Service campaign, volunteers organized through UNO will give back to both the Lincoln and Omaha communities
UNO to Honor Band Director Jim Saker with Concert
November 24, 2015After 36 years at UNO, Director of Bands Jim Saker is retiring. The Department of Music is hosting a weekend of events in his honor
UNO Student Newspaper Celebrates 100 Years
November 24, 2015The Gateway, UNO's student newspaper for a century, is holding a special celebration in honor of the paper's staff - past and present
UNO Hosts Symposium on Jewish Religion, Philosophy
November 24, 2015Scholars from around the world will be attending and presenting at the inaugural Jewish Religious & Philosophical Ethics Symposium this April
Nebraska Small Businesses Win Awards from NBDC
November 24, 2015Seven small businesses were awarded honors by the Nebraska Business Development Center for their contributions to the Nebraska economy
Doctoral Student to Discuss Art, Medicine at UNO
November 24, 2015Artist and UNMC doctoral candidate Mark Gilbert is presenting "EPICS: The Experience of Portraiture in a Clinical Setting" at the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center this May
UNO Offers Recreation Facility Access to Service Members on Leave
November 24, 2015Active duty service members on leave will now be able to utilize UNO's HPER facilities free of charge
Aviation Director Named Coach of the Year, Flight Team Impresses at Nationals
November 24, 2015UNO Aviation Director Scott Vlasek was named Coach of the Year and UNO's Flying Mavs secured several top-10 finishes at this year's SAFECON competition
Fat Brain Toys, UNO, KANEKO Partner for STEM Education Event
November 24, 2015On Oct. 18, UNO will partner with Fat Brain Toys and KANEKO to bring STEM education to Omaha.
Rural Nebraska to Benefit From $1.3 Million School of Social Work Grant
November 24, 2015The UNO Grace Abbott School of Social Work is launching a program to address mental health needs in Nebraska, specially targeting rural communities
UNO to Host December Commencement Ceremonies
November 24, 2015On Saturday, Dec. 20, more than 1000 students will receive their diplomas in front of friends and family on the UNO campus
UNO Group to Host Paranormal Summit on Oct. 24
November 24, 2015The UNO Paranormal Society is bringing back its popular Paranormal Summit for another year including discussions of the afterlife and an expertly-led ghost hunt
Churchill Scholar to Speak at UNO on April 3
November 24, 2015Kirk Emmert, current mayor of Gambier, Ohio, and professor emeritus of political science at Kenyon College, is this year's speaker at the UNO Department of Political Science's annual Kirwan Lecture.
Art Students to Showcase Thesis Work at UNO
November 24, 2015The work of 46 graduating seniors will be on display on the UNO campus beginning Sunday, April 13
UNO Researchers Launch New Survey for Nebraska Metro Areas
November 24, 2015Researchers from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Center for Public Affairs Research are launching a new survey to gauge metro area residents' perceptions of their social wellbeing
Nebraska Metro Poll: Residents Optimistic About Future
November 24, 2015A new UNO survey shows citizens in the Omaha and Lincoln metro areas have positive outlook on their future and the future of their communities
Information Security Office Investigating Unauthorized Server Access
November 24, 2015The Information Security Office at UNO, along with law enforcement, is investigating unauthorized access into an administrative unit server containing some files with personal information
UNO First Nebraska School in Global Research Network
November 24, 2015Beginning in 2014, UNO has joined the Clinton Global Initiative University network of colleges and universities, the first to do so in Nebraska.
Engagement Center Announces New Partners
November 26, 2014The UNO Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center has announced its third round of partner organizations who will call the building home
Buffett Institute Open House on Dec. 2
November 26, 2014The University of Nebraska's Buffett Early Childhood Institute will hold a public open house the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 2
Google Ideas Director to Speak at UNO
November 26, 2014The deputy director of Google Ideas will speak on the topic of technology and global engagement on Wednesday, Dec. 3
New Grant to Improve Health, Counseling Support
November 25, 2014A $10,000 grant will help UNO improve its services in aiding students who are recovering from substance abuse and dependency issues
Commitment to Study Abroad Increase Sees Results
November 24, 2014The goal to raise UNO's study abroad numbers by 2019 has shown progress just eight months in
Emergency Management Program Ranked No. 1 in Quality
November 24, 2014UNO's Emergency Management degree program was ranked No. 1 overall for quality education in a recent report.
Dec. 1 Deadline for CGIU Submissions
November 21, 2014Students looking to attend the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative University conference need to apply by Dec. 1
UNO Library Dean to Retire
November 19, 2014Criss Library Dean Steve Shorb to retire after nearly a decade at UNO
UNO, UNMC Partner to Improve Electronic Medical Records
November 18, 2014A UNO faculty member is teaming with researchers at UNMC to improve Electronic Medical Records for doctors, patients
UNO, South High to Host Senior Olympics
November 17, 2014Students from UNO and Omaha South High School will be teaming up to help put on a Olympic Games event for the Omaha Intercultural Senior Center on Wednesday, Nov. 19.
MavPRSSA to Host Santa Paws Event
November 17, 2014On Sunday, Dec. 7, the UNO students from MavPRSSA invites pets to get photos with Santa for a good cause
UNO Galleries to Feature Work of Wanda Ewing, Students
November 14, 2014Three exhibits will highlight the work of former UNO faculty member Wanda Ewing, as well as this semester’s Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Studio Arts graduating seniors.
UNO International Education Week Nov. 13-21
November 13, 2014This week of events will highlight the importance of global engagement.
UNO Contest Lets Students Present Business Ideas
October 09, 2014On Oct. 13, one dozen UNO students will present 90-second elevator pitches to local business leaders as part of the Fifth Annual Big Idea! Elevator Pitch Contest
UNO Forensics Bests Top Competition to Start Season
October 08, 2014The UNO Forensics team has started the new season off with a pair of tournament victories against Top 20 competition
UNO Art Gallery to Host UNK Artworks
October 07, 2014A collection of works from 13 professors of art and art history at the University of Nebraska at Kearney will be the focus of the UNO Art Gallery's latest showcase, opening Friday, Oct. 10
UNO Alumni Association to Host Inaugural "Night of Honor"
October 06, 2014For the first time in its history, the UNO Alumni Association will formally honor members of the worldwide UNO alumni network
UNO to Host Dual International Conferences
October 02, 2014On Friday, Oct. 3, and Saturday, Oct. 4, UNO will host two conferences dedicated to the discussion of international events and cultures
Brooks Lecture to Address Same-Sex Marriage in Nebraska
September 29, 2014The Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks lecture returns for 2014 and will feature a presentation from UNO professor William Blizek
KVNO to Live Broadcast Carnegie Hall Performance
September 29, 2014On Oct. 1, KVNO, the metro's classical music station, will live broadcast a performance from the Berlin Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall
UNO to Host Conference on China-U.S. Economic Relationship
September 29, 2014A free, one day conference on the topic of China's economic impact on the world, particularly the United States, will take place at Mammel Hall on Thursday, Oct. 2
UNO Statement on Social Media Safety
September 26, 2014Due to recent events, UNO would like to remind the Maverick community about staying safe on social media and how to report any concerns you may have to campus officials
UNO Named a Top Military Friendly School
September 25, 2014According to a list recently published by G.I. Jobs, UNO has once again made the list as one of the nation's top military friendly schools
Rodie Named Director of UNO Center for Urban Sustainability
September 24, 2014Steven Rodie, formerly a UNL associate professor in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is first director of the UNO Center for Urban Sustainability
UNO Researchers Publish Report on Nebraska’s Mexican Population
September 23, 2014A study from the UNO Office of Latino and Latin American Studies highlights the growing population of Mexican-born immigrants in Nebraska
Artistic Road Signs to Cover Campus on Sept. 24
September 22, 2014UNO art students have designed six road signs that will be strategically placed around campus on Wednesday, Sept. 24
Chancellor Christensen Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge
August 20, 2014After a challenge from NU Regent Tim Clare, Chancellor Christensen and Student Body President/Regent Jordan Koch took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Athletes and Elders Returns for Sixth Year
August 20, 2014A service learning program that partners gerontology students and student athletes with community care centers is returning for its sixth year
SummerWorks, City of Omaha Create Mural at Hanscom Park
August 19, 2014A summer-long program to give teens jobs has teamed with the City of Omaha to create a mural in Hanscom Park
UNO Receives Largest Research Grant in School History to Launch Biomechanics Research Center
August 15, 2014A $10.1 million federal grant will create the world’s first Center for Research in Human Movement Variability.
NBDC to Host Workshop on Small Business Grants
August 14, 2014Small businesses looking to commercialize their innovative research are welcome to a special workshop hosted by the NBDC
UNO Gallery Opens Season With Work From 29 Visiting Artists
August 08, 2014The 2014-2015 season for the UNO Art Gallery will open Aug. 29 with an exhibit curated by Joslyn Art Museum’s Curator of Contemporary Art
UNO Community Engagement Center Launches New Call for Partners
August 07, 2014The UNO Community Engagement Center is currently accepting new applications for partner organizations
UNO Joins ExpressJet Pilot Prep Program as First Nebraska School Partner
July 07, 2014UNO has announced a partnership with ExpressJet to become the first Nebraska college or university to join their Airline Pilot Pathway Program
UNO Students Place Second in FAA Competition
July 01, 2014A group of UNO aviation students recently received second-place recognition at a national competition held by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
University of Nebraska to Assist Students Affected by Severe Weather
June 26, 2014The financial aid offices of the University of Nebraska, including UNO, are offering policy changes to assist those affected by severe weather
Conference at UNO to Use Theatre for Social Change
June 24, 2014From Thursday, June 26, to Sunday, June 29, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) will host the 20th Annual "Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed" Conference
UNO, UNL Researchers Find Hormones Affect Voting Behavior
June 22, 2014A study from the UNO psychology program and UNL political science program has found that high levels of stress-related hormones can affect someone's likelihood to vote
NET to Show UNO Documentary on Iowa Artist
June 19, 2014A UNO television documentary about the life and work of Iowa artist Louis Grell will be shown this summer on Nebraska Educational Television
UNO Releases Names, Hometowns of Spring 2014 Graduates
May 13, 2014The names of the more than 1500 students who graduated during UNO's May 2014 Commencement ceremonies have been released
UNO Student Will Spend Year in Korea Thanks to Scholarship
May 12, 2014International studies major Katherine Durand will continue her education in South Korea with the help of an exclusive scholarship
Former UNO Student to Premiere First Feature Film
May 08, 2014Former UNO student Nick Royer and wife Emily, a current UNO student, will premiere their first feature-length film, "AIR," at Aksarben Cinema on Thursday, June 5
Former UNO Student to Premiere First Feature Film
May 08, 2014Former UNO student Nick Royer and wife Emily, a current UNO student, will premiere their first feature-length film, "AIR," at Aksarben Cinema on Thursday, June 5
UNO Student Earns Fulbright Scholarship, Will Teach in Turkey
May 02, 2014Shelby Anderson-Holt, an international studies major at UNO, will serve as a cultural ambassador to Turkey as part of the Fulbright Scholarship program
Nebraska Spanish Creative Writing Winners Announced
May 02, 2014This year's winners were recently announced for the "Through Our Words" creative writing in Spanish competition. A formal ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 7.
UNO Alumni Network to Grow by 1,500 During Commencement Weekend
May 01, 2014More than 1,500 students will graduate from UNO and celebrate their accomplishments with family and friends during this year's May Commencement ceremonies
UNO Flight Team Heading to Nationals
April 30, 2014The UNO student aviation team will compete nationally beginning Monday, May 12
UNO Students to Give $5,000 to Local Nonprofits
April 29, 2014As part of Angie Eikenberry's "Philanthropy and Democracy" course, students will present $5,000 to two local nonprofits focused on the area's refugee communities
UNO Professor Earns Harvard Book Award
April 28, 2014Dr. Waitman Wade Beorn has earned a prestigious award for his debut book, “Marching into Darkness"
Midwest Entrepreneurship Conference Returns to UNO for Third Year
March 26, 2014The Midwest regional conference for the national Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization will be held at UNO from Friday, April 4, through Saturday, April 5
UNO Researchers Publish Report on Impact of Latino-Owned Businesses in Nebraska
March 25, 2014UNO's Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) has launched a report today that uses US Census data to examine the impact of Latino-owned businesses across the state of Nebraska
UNO Professor Launches Native American Health News Site
March 24, 2014UNO's Teresa Lamsam is launching a website dedicated to health and wellness news affecting Native American populations
UNO Students to Attend Clinton Global Initiative Conference
March 20, 2014Five students will present three projects designed to positively change the world at this year's Clinton Global Initiative University Conference
Board of Regents to Consider Appointment of Interim President
March 20, 2014At its March 21 meeting, the University of Nebraska Board of Regents will consider the appointment of James Linder, M.D., of Omaha, as interim president of the university, effective May 3, 2014
Last Chance to Enter Warren Buffett Essay Contest
March 19, 2014Win the chance for free admission to the UNO College of Business Administration's Genius of Warren Buffett course
UNO Student, Alumnus Earn Trip to German Neuroscience Conference
March 18, 2014UNO senior Beth Fetzer and UNO alumnus Maxwell Virus are two of just 10 students worldwide being flown to a German neuroscience conference this month
UNO Sr. Vice Chancellor Named to National Academic Board of Directors
March 14, 2014Sr. Vice Chancellor B.J. Reed was named recently to the inaugural Board of Directors of the Association of Chief Academic Officers, ACAO.
Nebraska Business Development Center Offers Sustainability Certification in March, April
March 13, 2014Members of the business community looking to expand their knowledge or employment marketability in the area of sustainability are invited to attend two Nebraska Business Development Center (NBDC) credentialing seminars at UNO March and April.
UNO Welcomes India Violin Duo to Campus April 4
March 12, 2014On Friday, April 4, UNO will welcome internationally known Indian musicians the Lalgudi Duo to the Strauss Performing Arts Center.
Native American Advocate Winona LaDuke to Speak at UNO
March 11, 2014Winona LaDuke, an internationally recognized Native American activist will speak at this year's UNO Goldstein Lecture on Tuesday, March 18.
UNO Commitment: Double Study Abroad Numbers by 2019
March 10, 2014UNO has joined more than 160 higher education institutions as part of the Institute of International Education (IIE)’s Generation Study Abroad initiative.
UNO Report: Housing Values Stronger in Hardest Hit Areas
January 31, 2014Neighborhoods in Omaha that were hardest hit by the 2008 housing crisis are finally beginning to show signs of recovery, according to a report released by Prof. Steven Shultz
UNO Schwalb Center to Offer Tour of Israel
January 29, 2014A once-in-a-lifetime trip to Israel is being planned by Dr. Moshe Gershovich for May 2014
Wartime Journalist Speaks at UNO
January 28, 2014On Thursday, Feb. 6, at 4 p.m., former Washington Post reporter Jackie Spinner will speak at the Criss Library on the topic of wartime news coverage
Blizek Travels to Sundance Film Festival
January 24, 2014For nearly 15 years, the University of Nebraska Omaha’s (UNO) Journal of Religion and Film has been covering legendary actor Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival.
UNO Announces Second Round of Engagement Partners
January 17, 2014Five organizations are joining UNO's Community Engagement Center