Each year the College of Business Administration honors the career and community achievements of distinguished alumni.
The following alumni are a source of inspiration and pride to our students, faculty, alumni and friends. Search the list by last name below.
Please note: Alumni titles and bios were current as of the date they received their award.

Paul Alperson
Omaha Fixture Manufacturing

Tal Anderson
BSBA 1984
President, Performance Auto Group

Dr. Chandra Are
Executive MBA, 2013
Jerald L and Carolynn J Varner Professor of Surgical Oncology and Global Health, Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education for the College of Medicine and Vice-Chair for Education in the Department of Surgery, Surgical Director for the Davis Global Center, the simulation center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Robert Batt
BSBA 1976
Executive Vice President, Nebraska Furniture Mart

Robert Bernier
MBA 1978
Director, Nebraska Business Development Center

Dennis D. Blackman
President, Blackman & Associates, P.C.

Michael Bojanski
BSBA 1977
Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer at Finley Engineering Company, Inc., Retired

Patrick Bourne
BSBA 1994
Market Leader for Medica

Larry Bradley
BSBA 1983
Audit Partner, KPMG

John Bredemeyer
President, Realcorp

Susan Brennan
MBA 1991
Chief Operations Officer, Bloom Energy

Ronald J. Burns
CEO, Enron Corp. Gas Pipeline Group

Col Lloyd Buzzell
Executive MBA 2015
US Strategic Command--United States Air Force

Dino Cagni
BSBA 1957
Jupiter Medical Center

Mark Caniglia
BSBA, Executive MBA 1998
Cox Communications

Chris Carlson-Dennell
EMBA 2005
VP, Specialty Teams - The Reserves Network– Search & Staffing

Lawrence Comine Jr.
BSBA 1962
Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Director, FirsTier Bank

David Craft, CFA
BSBA 1990, MBA 1992
Director of Wealth & Investments at First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO)

Gail L. DeBoer
President/CEO, SAC Federal Credit Union

Donald E. Deter
BSBA 1952
Owner, Deter Motor Company

Daniel L. Dienstbier
Bachelor's in Industrial Relations
Executive Vice President, Enron Corp.; President, Gas Pipeline Group

Mohamad Doghman
Executive MBA 2007
Vice President, Energy Delivery & Chief Compliance Officer, OPPD

Becki Drahota
Executive MBA
CEO, Mills Financial Marketing

Amala Duggirala
MBA 2005
Executive Vice President & Enterprise Chief Information Officer, Regions Bank

Colonel (retired) Elizabeth M. Durham-Ruiz
Executive MBA 2013
Executive Director and Deputy Chief Information Officer, Command, Control, Communications & Cyber, U.S. Transportation Command

Robert A. Edwards
Executive MBA 1985

David Emry
BSBA 1970
CPA, President

Kathy English
Executive MBA 1995
Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center

John W. Estabrook
BSBA 1951
President, Nebraska Methodist Hospital

Major General Richard J. Evans III
BSBA 1984
Director of Reserve Forces and Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Strategic Command

Doug Ewald
Master of Professional Accounting 1987
Managing Director, KPMG

Herbert L. Freeman

Rob Friedman
BSBA 1985
Vice President of Marketing, Amtrak

Michael J. Geppert
BSBA 1982
President, First Data Solutions

Jane H. Gilbert
Senior Vice President, American National Red Cross

Ivan Gilreath
MBA 1989
President, Midwest Trailblazers

Robert C. Goedken
Executive MBA 2000
General Manager, Yamaha Corporation of America

Dr. Josette Gordon-Simet
Executive MBA 2012
Medical Director

John Hancock
MBA 1978
Managing Shareholder, Hancock & Dana PC

Peg Harriott
MBA 1995

Tim Harrison
BSBA 1997
Founder/CEO, Harrison Financial Services

Tim Hart
BSBA 1980
Senior Vice President, First National of Nebraska

Howard Hawks
MBA 1971
Chairman/CEO, Tenaska

Clifford S. Hayes
BSBA 1961
Principal/Vice President

Rod Heng
BSBA 1974

R. Craig Hoenshell

Richard Hook
Executive MBA
Cox Communications

Sheri Hronek
Hronek Associates

Daniel J. Jaksich
BSBA 1980

Mark Jaksich
MBA 1992

Mark Jefferson
Maverick Council

John A. Jeter
BSBA 1954

Robert E. Julian

Ali S. Khan
Executive MBA, 2018
Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS (retired), Dean, UNMC College of Public Health, Richard D. Holland Presidential Chair in Public Health

Hugo Kahn
BSBA 1953
Gerald E. Karlin
BSBA 1960
Officer and Director, UNO Alumni Association

Audrey S. Kauders
Executive MBA
Director, Joslyn Art Museum

Dan Kinsella
Audit & Enterprise Risk Services Partner, Deloitte

Joseph Kirshenbaum
BSRE 1953
Noddle Development Company

Daniel F. Koraleski
BSBA 1986
Audit Partner, KPMG LLP

Jack Koraleski
BSBA 1972 & MBA 1981
Union Pacific

Robert J. Kreitner
BSBA 1970 & MBA 1971

Larry Larson
BSBA 1960
Audit Partner, Middle Market Practice

Richard Lee
BSBA 1970

Sam Leftwich

Rodrigo López
Founder/President/CEO, AmeriSphere Multifamily Finance, LLC

Frank L. Mansell
B.S. 1944

Terry L. Maris

Charles J. Marr
President & Chief Executive Officer, Immanuel

Fran Flairty Marshall
B.S. 1983 & MBA 1989
Senior Vice President, First National Bank

Elaine G. Mauldin
MBA, 1983
BKD Professor, University of Missouri School of Accountancy

Denise M. McCauley
B.S., Business Administration
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, WoodmenLife

Greg McMillan
BSBA 1983
CEO & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Blackburn Investment Management

Adrian J. Minks
Vice President, OPPD

Vincent F. Miscia, M.D.
Executive MBA 1992
Doctor; Founder, Pacemaker Fund; Associate Professor, UNMC

Maria Moran
BSBA 1974

Pam Mortenson
BSBA 1984
Vice President & Strategic Planning Officer, at WoodmenLife

Kevin D. Munro
BSBA 1986
Managing Director, BMO Harris Bank

Nagaraj V. Mylandla
MBA 1988
Founder, Financial Software & Systems (FSS)

John E. Nahas
MBA 1978
Vice President, FirsTier Bank

H. H. "Red" Nelson
BSBA 1934
Chairman, The Redland Group

Doug Nielsen

Matthew T. Norris
MBA 1986
Senior Vice President, Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company and Ivy Investment Management Company

Gustavo E. Oberto
Executive MBA 2005
Managing Director of Global Sales and Markets, Conductix-Wampfler AG

Keith Olson
Senior Portfolio Manager-Asia Pacific, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Dan O'Neill
BSBA 1977
President, First National of Nebraska

Robert A. Pedersen
BSBA 1971

Gary D. Penisten

Sandra J. Peters
BSBA 1986
Head of Financial Reporting Policy Group, CFA Institute

Fred M. Petersen

Charles Platt

Richard Ramm
BSBA 1972
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Secretary & Treasurer, Pamida

Lisa Renstrom
BSBA 1982
President, Sierra Club

Bernard W. Reznicek
Chief Executive Officer, Boston Edison Company

Rod Rhoden
BSBA 1967
Motors Management

Ross Ridenoure
Executive MBA
Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, OPPD Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station

Louis Rotella Jr.

David L. Roth, P.E.
MBA, 2011
Executive Director, Omaha Airport Authority

Maurice (Moe) Russell
Executive MBA 1998
Co-Founder & President, Russell Consulting Group

John A. Schuchart

Natan Schwalb
BSBA 1964
Schwalb Realty

Usha Sherman

C. Mickey Skinner
BA 1958
President, Hershey Pasta Group

Herbert R. Sklenar

Jerry M. Slusky, Esq.
B.S., Business Administration
Smith Slusky Law, L.L.P.

Paul G. Smith
MBA 1984
Vice-Chairman, Tenaska Capital Management
- Inducted in 2011

Leonard Sommer
BSBA 1976
Managing Partner, Hancock & Dana PC

Michelle Sperle
BSBA 1988 & MBA 1990
Founder & President, CIT Networking, Inc.

EvaJon Sperling
Executive MBA 2000
Postmaster, United States Postal Service

Eugene L. Step
BS 1951
Executive Vice President, Eli Lilly and Company

Cheryl A. Straub
BS 1980 & MS 1984
Vice President of Business Research, Greater of Omaha Chamber of Commerce

Richard N. Takechi

Mark Theisen
Executive MBA
Chief Compliance Officer & EEO Officer, Woodmen of the World

Alfred G. Thomsen
BSBA 1957
President & Treasurer, Alfred G. Thomesen Company

Rolland (R.C.) Thompson
Executive MBA
President & CEO Tactical Air Support Inc.

Pamela Vanlandingham
BSBA 1985
Vice President-Finance & Production Facility, First Data Resources

E.A. "Penny" Westfall
BSBA 1975 & MBA 1985
Chief Deputy, Story (IA) County Sheriff's Office

Marshall Widman

David Yates
BSBA 1985
CEO, Clearwater Marine Aquarium

James Young
President & Chief Executive Officer, Union Pacific Corporation

Ilze Zigurs
Director of Information Technology Ph.D. Program, UNO